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South African Supreme Court of Appeal delivered judgement in Stransham-Ford case

6 December  2016 The South African Court of Appeal set aside the High Court of Pretoria order – substantially authorising  Stransham-Ford to procure the assistance of a doctor in terminating his life. The SCA did so on three inter-related grounds. See the media summary here.

Sean Davison of Dignity SA reacted:

Sean Davison Opinion Piece: Supreme Court of Appeal judgement

The Supreme Court of Appeal judgement on the Robin Stransham-Ford case was very disappointing.

The Supreme Court of Appeal has made its ruling but the fight for a law change is not over. When you are seeking a political change you must be prepared for the long haul, and not be put off by small defeats along the way. Above all we must never lose our idealism.

Once DignitySA has studied the Supreme Court of appeal judgement and consulted with the lawyers it is possible that we will take this case to the Constitutional Court. The initial High Court judge based his decision on the constitution and the Constitutional Court may come to the same decision also based on its interpretation of the constitution.

See his Opinion piece here or on Facebook.

