Peter Warren (Scot)
Peter has a background of political activism and end of life advocacy. He worked for 15 years in the private office of Scottish politician Margo MacDonald. During which time helped prepare 2 proposals to legalise assisted dying. In 2016 began a 4 year stint as the Chair of Friends at the End (FATE) . These days he lives and works out of Barcelona, his adopted city.

Laura De Vito (NL)
As former legal advisor of the Dutch Right to Die Society NVVE, Laura is expert in the field of the prohibition of assisted suicide, the legal basis of advance directives and the history of the Dutch Law on Euthanasia. Since 2019, she is part of the staff of the WFRtDS. With her legal background it is her job to follow legal developments around the world in the field of assisted dying and the self chosen death.