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The next meeting of Friends at the End

Instead of having a speaker, the next meeting of Friends at the End will be a video showing of a Spanish film: “The Sea Inside”, from 2pm to 5pm on Saturday, 18 February 2006, in the Mitchell Library Conference Suite (Floor 5, access by lift), Kent Road (opposite Clevland Street), Glasgow, G3 7DN. (N55.86473° W4.27158°. OSGB NGR NS 57860 65835). The film “The Sea Inside” (in Spanish, with English subtitles) was on General Release about a year ago, but for a short time only. It is the story of Ramon Sanpedro (a campaigner in Spain for a change in the law on the Right to Die) who, after 30 years of being totally paralysed (tetraplegic after a diving accident), asked for help to die, & was so helped by friends. It is very moving, & also very funny in parts. The Spanish Prime Minister attended the opening night & said “The film, paradoxically, is a hymn to life”. The main part is played by Javier Bordem (Oscar Nominee & a famous Spanish film star) very movingly – or rather without moving anything except his face! It is an Academy Award Winner as Best Foreign Language Film and a Golden Globe Winner as Best Foreign Film.

For more details of Friends at the End please see our website:
