In recent months, three new bills have been proposed in France. The first was initiated by Senator Marie-Pierre de La Gontrie (PS group), the second by MP Marine Brenier (LR group). And on 26 January, a bill was tabled in the National Assembly, at the initiative of La République en Marche MP Jean-Louis Touraine, aimed at guaranteeing and strengthening the rights of people at the end of their lives. Earlier, in 2017, Olivier Falorni already tabled a bill which is still in Parliament.
The bills
Marie-Pierre de La Gontrie Proposal (17 November 2020)

Marie Brenier Proposal (November 2020)

These two proposals have something in common: they concern patients with a serious, incurable condition resulting in un unbearable physical and psychological suffering. These patients will be able to apply for Medical Aid to Dying, even if the prognosis for death in the short term is not set. Both projects also address the unequal access to end-of-life care in France. They enshrine in law the right of every citizen to have access to palliative care throughout the country.
Denis Labayle, on behalf of the Decision-making College, sent a personalized letter to the 49 senators who co-signed Ms. de La Gontrie’s bill.
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- Quand les lĂ©gislateurs oublieront cette notion de phase avancĂ©e ou terminale, la France aura fait un grand pasâŠcette proposition franchit-elle celle prĂ©sentĂ©e par J.L. Touraine en 2017 ? – Citoyens pour une mort Choisie | L’Association (
- Touraine : “Nous souhaitons offrir le choix de la fin de vie aux Français extrĂȘmement malades” – Citoyens pour une mort Choisie | L’Association (