Despite massive public support, MPs have rejected plans for a right to die in England and Wales in their first vote on the issue in almost 20 years. In a free vote in the Commons, 118 MPs were in favour and 330 against plans to allow some terminally ill adults to end their lives with medical supervision. In a passionate debate, some argued the plans allowed a “dignified and peaceful death” while others said they were “totally unacceptable”. Pro-assisted dying campaigners said the result showed MPs were out of touch. Read the whole story from BBC News here.
Comment from Derek Humphry: The rejection by the London Parliament (11 Sept.2015) of another assisted dying bill is, by my count, the twelfth time this body has considered a choice in dying reform law. The first attempt was back in l936. All have been firmly voted down. That seven other states or nations have passed such laws in the last 20 years ? and they appear to be working satisfactorily makes the persistent English rejections more puzzling. Does the church in England still have that sort of blocking influence, or are the English more squeamish about the facts of dying?