WFRtDS is looking for candidates to fill upcoming vacancies in the WF Board.
WF is looking for people who

  • are member of one of WF’s  member Societies (according to plans to propose changes of the bylaws in this aspect, being on the board of such society is not essential, but may be an advantage)
  • show active motivation for the RtD movement
  • or at least have demonstrated affinity to the objectives of the WFRtDS
  • can contribute to the professional running of a worldwide international federation
  • are prepared to expend energy on the WFRtDS as organisation

WF is expecting from its board members

  • working knowledge of English
  • geographical diversity
  • limited, but active participation in running the WFRtDS
  • dedication to WF’s work: coordination, communication, information

WF is offering its board members

  • a small stipend for attending biennial meetings (during the biennial World Congress)
  • membership of an enthusiastic,  congenial group


What It Means To Be A Director
Being a Director is an active role, not a passive one. All Directors are encouraged to share their ideas and to actively contribute to the direction of the World Federation (WF). This is an exciting and challenging time to be a Director, as achievements are slowly occurring around the world.
There are some things, however, that you need to consider carefully before you decide to nominate:
1. As a Director it is important that you can give the time in order to deal with World Federation issues.
2. All Directors must have access to email facilities that can be checked regularly.
3. Email is the main method of Board communication so it is essential that anyone wishing to become a Director has a good comprehension of written English, which is the official language of the World Federation. This will enable them to actively participate in decisions.

The nomination of Directors should not depend entirely upon their personal, or their society’s capacity, to meet the costs of taking part in the work of the Board. Some financial assistance can be given for travel, subject to the availability of funds.
Below are further details of specific Offices.
Vice President: The Vice President works closely with the President in setting direction and activities for the WF. After serving 2 years as Vice President, this person automatically becomes President at the next election.
Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for all financial transactions of the WF, ensuring that all funds are safely kept in the WF’s bank accounts and all expenditure is proper. Responsibilities include presenting a financial report at each biennial meeting, preparing annual audited accounts and circulating these to members, organising travel grants, collection and management/investment of membership fees, and reimbursement of expenses.
Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for keeping minutes at biennial meetings, organising formalities for Delegate and Board meetings, ensuring that all WF documentation and records are kept up-to-date (such as the By-Laws, procedures and mailing lists), answering correspondence from students, members, media and the general public via email.
Newsletter Editor: The Newsletter Editor’s role is to produce a newsletter at least twice a year and distribute this to member societies.


Candidates are invited to send an e-mail stating their interest and potential abilities to WF President Ted Goodwin at preferably before end of this year 2011. 

If you know of someone who may be best positioned to fill in one of the positions, please tell Ted Goodwin.

If you want or need more background information on the WFRtDS in general and the board in principle before you decide to react, you can also mail your questions to WF’s Communications Director Rob Jonquière at