Catholic Church in Argentina opposes legalization of euthanasia
The Committee for Life, the Laity, and the Family of the Argentine Bishopsā Conference expressed its opposition to four bills introduced in the Argentina Congress
In Argentina, there is no assistance in dying legalized. In 2012 a law has passed thatĀ gives terminally ill patients or if suffering from irreversible and incurable illness or injury, and their families the right and power to make their own decisionsĀ at the end of life, implying the right to end life support when terminally ill or in permannet vegetative state.
There are no Right to Die Societies in Argentina.Ā
The Committee for Life, the Laity, and the Family of the Argentine Bishopsā Conference expressed its opposition to four bills introduced in the Argentina Congress
At the WF Conference in Chicago Laura Belli informed the audience about the state of the art in Argentina concerning dying with dignity. On May
The Argentinan Senate passed with a massive majority (no votes against, 17 absentees and 55 in favor!) a law giving terminally ill patients or if