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NVVE Summary Relevant 3, 2009

RELEVANT, the quarterly magazine of the NVVE, Dutch RtD, has published its 3rd number of 2009. The English

DMD Colombia 30 years

On September 16, 2009  DMD Colombia will celebrate the fact that 30 years ago – an initiative

Positive developments in Québec and Canada?

August 19, 2009: This autumn will be an interesting one for Canada, since the “College des médecins du Québec” will reopen its dicussions on its position on assisted dying and euthanasia, an

The alternative to euthanasia?

August 14, 2009:  Adam Brimelow, health correspondent to BBC News, reports on the suggestion that continuous deep sedation (CDS) is being (mis)used as “slow euthanasia” in many cas