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summary This page brings you news from around the globe, of interest to the right-to-die movement.

French Health Minister admits to mercy killings

France’s health minister Bernard Kouchner has said he performed mercy killings in Vietnam and Lebanon during a controversial career as a doctor and aid worker, but said ending someone’s life was a “delicate matter”.

Governor Jeb Bush intervenes in “right to die” case

A right to die case in Florida that has passed through the hands of 19 separate judges drew the state’s governor, Jeb Bush, into its ambit last week, when he met the family of the woman at its centre and filed a brief with the court.

The new board of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies

Left to right, standing: Libby Drake (Australia, secretary), Jacob Kohnstamm (Netherlands), Annelies Plaisant (Florida, USA, treasurer), Dr. Michio Arakawa (Japan), Jacqueline Herremans (Belgium), Dr. Michael Irwin (UK, president), and Dr. Richard MacDonald (USA). Seated: Juana Betancor (Spain, vice- president), Derek Humphry (USA, newsletter editor), Dr. Libby Wilson (UK).

Dr. Juan Mendoza-Vega (Colombia)

How it’s done in Switzerland

The World Conference in Brussels provided the opportunity to listen to numerous presentations from experts in the field. None of us, however, could hear every presentation. I would do a disservice to our presenters, therefore, if I attempted to summarize the work of each presenter in just a few words.

Brussels conference also a celebration

Before going to Brussels, my Berlitz guidebook told me that the people of this city “resolved long ago to have a good time, come what may, and their stoic enjoyment of life is very contagious “. And, with over a hundred different Belgian beers available, it was certainly a great place and occasion, last September, to celebrate the fact that Belgium had legalized (by a final vote of 86 to 51) physician-assisted dying in May 2002.

Euthanasia decriminalized under tight rules

The Belgian law on euthanasia came into force on 23 September 2002. To avoid misunderstandings or misinterpretations (I have read everything and its contrary about this law since the last months), it seems important to stress its main elements: