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Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs — International Home Page

A contents search engine page with links to the ministry’s – Euthanasia Q&A – 1996 study on euthanasia and related issues in the Netherlands – Netherlands policy on medical practice relating to the termination of life – Questionnaire for physicians who report termination of life – Government response to 1996 study.

How Does the Law Stand in Canada

The Canadian society, Dying With Dignity, provides an online reprint of Chapter 8 from ‘A Gentle Death’ by Marilynne Seguin.

VESS History Page

Is euthanasia a contemporary issue, apparently not. This web page sponsored by the Voluntary Euthanasia Society offers evidence of the issue dating back into the 1930’s.

When Death Is Sought

A report from the Task Force on Life and Law in New York. Details the legality of euthansia.