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British Medical Association Policy on Euthanasia

British Medical Association Policy on Euthanasia

That this Meeting recognises that there is a wide spectrum of views about the issues of physician assisted suicide and euthanasia and strongly opposes any changes in law for the time being.

That this Meeting continues to be against the legalisation of euthanasia.

That this Meeting categorically rejects the legalisation of euthanasia.

American Medical Association Policy on Euthanasia

American Medical Association Policies: Euthanasia

Euthanasia is the administration of a lethal agent by another person to a patient for the purpose of relieving the patients intolerable and incurable suffering.

Declarations on Assisted Dying

The following Declarations were made at International Conferences of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies.


The World Federation of Right To Die Societies meets every two years to exchange news and views, to elect Directors and Officers of the Federation, and to conduct other business.

Congress 2012

The next meeting will take place nin May 2012 in Zürich, Switzerland and will be hosted by EXIT Deutsche Schweiz

Ensuring Choices for a Dignified Death

The World Federation, founded in 1980, consists of 45 right to die organizations from 26 countries. The Federation provides an international link for organizations working to secure or protect the rights of individuals to self-determination at the end of their lives.

The Federation:

Right-to-die activism and government crackdowns

At the same time that right to die organizations worldwide are working to secure laws for assisted dying, numerous individuals still use “extralegal” means to end their lives.

Euthanasia campaigner cheerful but defiant

Euthanasia campaigner cheerful but defiant

Sunday Star Times

By FRANK HADEN, 13 April 2003

Foremost in Lesley Martin’s mind when I talked to her before her postponed voluntary euthanasia charge hearing in Wanganui District Court on Wednesday was her honeymoon. She married last night, wears her scintillating ring proudly and told me she hoped the court proceedings would not upset her plans.