Is euthanasia a contemporary issue, apparently not. This web page sponsored by the Voluntary Euthanasia Society offers evidence of the issue dating back into the 1930’s.
From the religious site about moral and ethical issues related to physician-assisted suicide.
Derek Humphry, founder of the Hemlock society, shares his beliefs in why he supports euthanasia.
A report from the Task Force on Life and Law in New York. Details the legality of euthansia.
Historical Account of how courts have ruled in euthanasia cases.
From the Griefwork website, an article by Barbara Rubel on the findings of the Oregon Health Division on how suffering influences the request for euthanasia.
From the VESS site from Scotland. The page lists polls that suggest widespread support of euthanasia issues.
American College for Physicians offers facts on legal and medical consequences of physician-assisted suicide.
From the Choice in Dying Website, a booklet available that helps to explain the basis behind some of the laws regarding physician-assisted suicide.
The Internet’s Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s definition of Euthanasia
Written by the Detroit Free Press a chronological study of Jack Kevorkian and issues surrounding his work.