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Oregon Death with Dignity

On Wednesday, May 7, 2003, oral arguments in Oregon v. Ashcroft begin before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Euthanasia gag order lifted

Lesley Martin can resume her campaign to legalise euthanasia after a gagging order was lifted in the Wanganui District Court yesterday.

ACLU-NC Supports Man’s Right to End Life Support

On October 10, the ACLU-NC filed an amicus brief in the California Supreme Court supporting Robert Wendland, a man on life-support, who had previously asserted his desire not to be sustained artificially by medical technology.

Death Bill a possibility

LEGISLATION allowing voluntary euthanasia for the terminally ill may be debated this year in State Parliament.

Judge Denies Request To Feed Patient, 92

A judge Monday refused to set aside a guardian’s instructions for the care of 92-year-old Margaret Russell, a nursing home resident who has not been given any food or nutrients for five weeks.

Proud to watch as Nancy Crick died

A DECISION on whether charges will be laid against the 21 people who witnessed Gold Coast grandmother Nancy Crick commit suicide last year could be known within a month, Queensland’s Director of Public Prosecutions, Leanne Clare, said yesterday.