Tuesday 20 April, our Italian member organisation Luca Coscioni filed a referendum to legalize euthanasia. The Referendum is further promoted by Italian Radicals, Italian Socialist Party, Eumans, Volt, Più Europa, Possibile, Consulta di Bioetica ONLUS and by all associations, movements or parties that want to unite.
The question to be asked to the people of Italy is the following: Do you want to repeal Article 579 of the Criminal Code (homicide on request), paragraph 1 limited to the following words ‘imprisonment from six to fifteen years’; paragraph 2 in full; paragraph 3 limited to the following words ‘Shall they apply’?
Mina Welby, Co-President of the Luca Coscioni Association, thinks they can manage to collect the 500,000 signatures in July, August and September.
Read all about the referendum on the special website: Referendum Eutanasia Legale.
Note: Our Italian supporter Joop Agterberg wrote an explanation (in English) of the referendum: