On January 12, 2023, New York’s legislature introduced a new bill: A995/S2445, the Medical Aid in Dying Act. This bill is introduced by Assembly Committee on Health Chair, Amy Paulin. There is also a petition that says that it’s time to pass New York’s Medical Aid in Dying Act and expand the right to Death with Dignity to over 20 million New Yorkers.
On January 23, a stimulating article about the Medical Aid in Dying Act was published in Buffalonews: Stop needless suffering for dying New Yorkers. Pass the Medical Aid in Dying Act in 2023 (buffalonews.com)
There was already a Medical Aid in Dying Act (A.4321/S.6471) but in June 2022, it turned out that this bill failed to pass. While this was disappointing, supporters and advocates made a tremendous impact during this session, sending over 3600 letters to lawmakers and gaining legislative support.
What’s next?
The new bill is now referred to the Committee on Health.
2023 might be the year in which the Medical Aid in Dying Act will pass.