Dec 20: Hemlock Society of San Diego organizes Zoom meeting re Soylent Green
At December 20, 1:30 pm Pacific Standard Time, the Hemlock Society of San Diego organizes a meeting via Zoom to discuss issues the film Soylent
In 2016, California’s End of Life Option Act passed. In 2021, the Act is amended by Senate Bill 380. This new law improved the access to the End of Life Option Act. The original legislation included a provision that would expire at the end of 2025 unless new legislation is passed. SB 380 extends that sunset provision to 2031.
This act permits an adult with a terminal disease and the mental capacity to make health care decisions to request and be prescribed an aid-in-dying drug if specified conditions are met. The act is to be found in the Health and Safety Code Section 443 et seq.
This act amended the End of Life Option Act. It improves the access to the End of Life Option Act:
At December 20, 1:30 pm Pacific Standard Time, the Hemlock Society of San Diego organizes a meeting via Zoom to discuss issues the film Soylent
Take a break and enjoy a few laughs while watching The Farewell Party. Join the Hemlock Society of San Diego via Zoom on Sunday, Oct. 18th
As of June 9, 2016 the Californian End-of-Life Options Act – approved in the Parliament last year October 5, has come in effect. It closely