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Newsletter RtD-Europe, April 2005

The latest developments on assisted dying in Europe: Case Law Developments or Cases in National Courts, Books Published, Research published or currently undertaken, Opinion Polls, Campaigns, Cases that have attracted public media attention, Other issues.

Adddition to statutes

Addition of assisted suicide to the statutes of ADMD-LIn January, the committtee suggested an amendment to the text of its original statutes established in 1988.

French parliament passes law granting ‘right to die’

The French parliament adopted early Wednesday, April 13th, a law that would grant terminally ill patients the “right to die” by allowing them to put a stop to medical treatment, but did not legalize mercy killing.

Lords publish on assisted dying bill

Today, April 4th 2005, a House of Lords Committee published its report on a Bill seeking to legalise assistance with suicide and voluntary euthanasia for terminally-ill people who are mentally competent and suffering unbearably.

Abstract appeal

A more objective look on the Terry Schiavo case from a legal point of view.