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Newsletter RtD-E

The latest developments on assisted dying in Europe, edition april 2006.

Japanese doctor sparks euthanasia debate

From: The World Today, Shane McLeod

The 50-year-old doctor headed up the surgical department at the local hospital at Imizu, north-west of Tokyo. Between 2000 and 2005 he helped at least seven terminally ill cancer patients to end their lives by switching off or removing their respirators.

The provisions of a 1995 court ruling outlined the circumstances in which Japanese doctors can help their patients to die. But in this case, those provisions may not have been met.

Church of England unite with Roman Catholic Church against legalisation of ‘assisted suicide’

Church of England bishops have united with the Roman Catholic Church in launching a campaign to prevent the legalisation of ‘assisted suicide’ this week. The Roman Catholic attempt to distribute half a million anti-euthanasia leaflets and DVDs to each of their parishes in England and Wales is the biggest political campaign by the Church.

Anglican leaders this week also voiced their opposition to the parliamentary move and urged Christians to lobby MPs and Peers to prevent Lord Joffe’s Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill becoming law.

Toronto Welcomes the World

Challenge in Choice
World Federation of Right to Die Societies
16th Biennial Conference

Toronto, Ontario

Nitschke faces new jail threat

Already under investigation by Melbourne homicide detectives for his role in the suicide of a local man, euthanasia campaigner Dr Philip Nitschke is now facing possible criminal charges in New Zealand.

The next meeting of Friends at the End

Instead of having a speaker, the next meeting of Friends at the End will be a video showing of a Spanish film: “The Sea Inside” on Saturday, 18 February 2006, in Glasgow.