US: Delaware now 12th jurisdiction to authorize MAID
End of Life Options Law includes traditional MAID requirements such as residency and a 15-day waiting period.
End of Life Options Law includes traditional MAID requirements such as residency and a 15-day waiting period.
Parliament passes law 20 to 5 giving Canberrans access to VAD by Nov 2025
Ecuador is the second country Latin American country to decriminalise euthanasia.
Bill 11 grants access to MAID to people with a severe physical impairment and a serious or incurable disease.
New law increases access by reducing mandatory waiting times and allowing nurses to be providers.
Assistance in dying will finally be accessible to those >18 years who are terminally ill or suffering intolerably.
Dutch doctors fought hard to expand right-to-die law to include children 1-12 years suffering excrutiating pain.
Today, the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021 has passed the parliament of New South Wales. The Lower House voted the Bill into law after the Upper
In the morning of June 24, the South Australian Lower House approved final amendments and ratified the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2020. South Australia is
At April 22, the Tasmanian End of Life Choice Act 2020 has received Royal Assent. The World Federation of Right to Die Societies congratulates Tasmania,