US: Delaware now 12th jurisdiction to authorize MAID
End of Life Options Law includes traditional MAID requirements such as residency and a 15-day waiting period.
In 2019, Delaware introduces HB140. The bill is heard in a house committee and later pulled from consideration by the sponsor.
In 2020, a 2020 GBAO Strategies poll finds 72 percent of Delaware residents support aid in dying legislation.
In 2021, the Delaware Death with Dignity Act, HB140, is assigned to the House Health & Human Development Committee on the final day of the session, just before the Delaware General Assembly adjourns.
In 2015, Representative Paul Baumbach sponsors HB150. Neither bill moves forward.
In 2017, representative Paul Baumbach (D) introduces HB160, End of Life Options Act. The bill goes to the full House after referral by the House Health and Human Development Committee. Rolled into 2018, a vote in the House is twice delayed. The bill does not advance.
Read more: Delaware | Death With Dignity
End of Life Options Law includes traditional MAID requirements such as residency and a 15-day waiting period.
On Wednesday January 19, a bill allowing medical aid in dying passed a Democrat-led House-committee in Delaware. This paves the way for possible consideration by